Finding the Right WordsImplementing Optimality Theory with Simulated AnnealingPhD thesis at the University of Groningen (RUG)
Downloads and links:
SA-OT Demo: a demonstration of the Simulated Annealing for Optimality Theory Algorithm developed in my dissertation (implemented in PHP).
My thesis was awarded the Anéla-AVT dissertation prize, as the best thesis written in the Netherlands in linguistics, during the Taalgala (November 16, 2007, in Utrecht, Netherlands):
Background: I was a PhD student (AiO, Assistant in Opleiding, Research Assistant) at the department for Humanities Computing (old web site), Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen (RUG) in the Netherlands. My research project belonged to to BCN and to CLCG. The title of my project was: Implementation and machine learning for Optimality Theory. It was around 2002-2003 that I wrote the following summaries: